Nano material of a new class

Classical materials such as ceramics, metals and polymers have their typical mechanical properties. They are hard, soft, strong, flexible or stiff. Hamburg research scientists have now synthesized a material that unites several ...

Platinum and iron oxide working together get the job done

Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) have figured out how a platinum catalyst works. Its remarkable properties are not just due to the platinum, the iron-oxide substrate beneath also plays a role.

Research tests which nano system works best cancer treatment

( —In current research related to improving cancer treatments, one promising area of research is the effort to find ways to selectively pinpoint and target cancer cells while minimizing effects on healthy cells.

Under the influence of magnetic drugs

( -- For more than three decades scientists have been investigating magnetic nanoparticles as a method of drug delivery. Now by combining three metals - iron, gold and platinum - pharmacists at the University of ...

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