Strange worm reveals the evolution of digestion

A Swedish–Norwegian research team shows in a new study that the intestines of the peculiar Penis worm develop in the same way as those in humans, fish and starfish. This surprising discovery shows that stomachs of very ...

Chimps self-medicate under human pressure

Chimpanzees living in small fragments of forest close by people and farm animals are turning in increasing numbers to natural remedies in an effort to deal with their stressful and disease-prone existence, a new study suggests.

Genes, environment, or chance?

Biologists attribute variations among individual organisms to differences in genes or environment, or both. But a new study of nematode worms with identical genes, raised in identical environments, has revealed another factor: ...

Parasites in humans influence each other via shared food sources

Over 1,400 species of parasites – viruses, bacteria, fungi, intestinal worms and protozoa – are able to infect humans. In most cases, the right medicine against a parasite cures the patient. If he or she suffers from ...

Stopping the worm from turning

Almost one in six people worldwide are infected by parasitic worms, while parasitic infections of livestock cause economic losses of billions of Euro per year. Resistance to the few drugs available to treat infections is ...

DNA barcoding of parasitic worms: Is it kosher?

When rabbis from the Orthodox Union started finding worms in cans of sardines and capelin eggs, they turned to scientists at the American Museum of Natural History to answer a culturally significant dietary question: could ...

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