VR visualization supports research on molecular networks

Networks offer a powerful way to visualize and analyze complex systems. However, depending on the size and complexity of the network, many visualizations are limited. Protein interactions in the human body constitute such ...

Mapping dry wildfire fuels with AI and new satellite data

As California and the American West head into fire season amid the coronavirus pandemic, scientists are harnessing artificial intelligence and new satellite data to help predict blazes across the region.

Smart speakers make passive listeners

People explore less when they get recommendations from voice-based platforms such as Amazon's Alexa or Apple's Siri, making it more likely that they'll hear options chosen by an algorithm than those they might actually prefer.

Will algorithms predict your future?

A report from Cardiff University reveals the extent to which public service provision is now being influenced by data analytics.

Conservation theory gets mathematical treatment

Theories used for the last four decades as a tool to guide the conservation of flora and fauna may have misinterpreted the biological reality, according to new research by mathematicians at the University of York.

The remarkable simplicity of complexity

From the fractal patterns of snowflakes to cellular lifeforms, our universe is full of complex phenomena – but how does this complexity arise?

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