Facing disaster while averting tragedy

Nobody can foresee disaster, but changing climate conditions are prompting smart communities increasingly to prepare for them with solid emergency response plans and protocols. Images as recent as those from the 2011 wildfire ...

Social network Path settles privacy probe (Update)

Social network app Path agreed Friday to pay $800,000 to settle charges it violated privacy of young users by uploading address book information without seeking permission, officials said.

Chile's 'Power-opedia' shines light on elites

Journalists and concerned citizens can now trawl for conflicts of interest among Chile's political and business elites thanks to a new startup based on Wikipedia.

Tracking gene flow in marine plant evolution

A new method that could give a deeper insight into evolutional biology by tracing directionality in gene migration has just appeared in EPJ Data Science. Paolo Masucci from the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, at University ...

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