'Monster' iceberg shedding hundreds of offshoots

An island-sized iceberg is breaking up as it drifts closer to Australia, producing hundreds of smaller slabs spread over a massive area of ocean, experts said Monday.

Arctic ice island 'poses no immediate threat'

The largest ice island in almost 50 years poses no immediate threat as it will take up to two years to drift through the Arctic Ocean, the Canadian who discovered it told AFP.

Winds drive icebergs away from New Zealand

(AP) -- Strong westerly winds in the southern Pacific Ocean have driven scores of icebergs originally headed toward New Zealand to the east, away from the country, an oceanographer said Tuesday.

Paint and bombs try to save ships from Titanic fate

We've painted them, tagged them, bombed them, monitored them with radar and watched them from space -- but icebergs like the one that sank the Titanic are still a threat to ships today.

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