Brazil's Belo Monte dam better than alternatives: study

Brazil's Belo Monte hydroelectric dam in the heart of the Amazon will have fewer environmental effects than fossil-fuel alternatives and will be cheaper than other renewable energy sources, state media said Sunday.

World's ageing big dams pose 'emerging risk': UN

By 2050, more than half the global population will live downstream from tens of thousands of large dams near or past their intended lifespan, according to a UN report released Friday.

Venezuela turns to cloud-seeding to battle drought

(AP) -- Hugo Chavez says he is starting to "bombard" clouds now that Cuba has provided Venezuela with cloud-seeding help in an effort to produce rain and alleviate the effects of a severe drought.

Newly released data show how fish pass through dams

Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have released a unique data set containing more than 5 million raw data points on the movement, behavior, and location of juvenile Chinook salmon as they traveled ...

Obama pushes nuclear energy to boost climate bill

(AP) -- President Barack Obama is endorsing nuclear energy like never before, trying to win over Republicans and moderate Democrats on climate and energy legislation.

Cambodia opens controversial mega-dam

Energy-starved Cambodia on Wednesday opened the country's largest hydropower dam to date, a multi-million dollar Chinese-funded project that has attracted criticism from environmental groups.

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