Global analysis of large carnivore habitats

Although humans have driven lions, tigers, wolves, bears and other large carnivores from much of their home territories across the planet, scientists have identified more than 280 areas where these animals could potentially ...

Genes don't always dictate that 'boys will be boys'

As an evolutionary biologist focusing on animal behaviour, I'm sometimes asked what relevance our research has for human behaviour. Years ago, I would duck the question because it was such a passionately polarising, political ...

Tracking invasive species? Follow the people

Islands and populated coastal areas are the world's "hotspots" for invasive species, which can upend entire ecosystems and drive local animals and plants to extinction, a study reported Monday.

Image: Virunga Mountains

This Sentinel-1 radar composite image features the Virunga Mountains in East Africa: a chain of volcanoes stretching across Rwanda's northern border with Uganda and east into the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Why innovation thrives in cities

In 2010, in the journal Nature, a pair of physicists at the Santa Fe Institute showed that when the population of a city doubles, economic productivity goes up by an average of 130 percent. Not only does total productivity ...

Chemists find new compounds to curb staph infection

( —In an age when microbial pathogens are growing increasingly resistant to the conventional antibiotics used to tamp down infection, a team of Wisconsin scientists has synthesized a potent new class of compounds ...

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