Females fight back in sperm wars

(Phys.org) —Females exposed to a risk of sperm competition have been found to produce more defensive ova compared to the eggs of females reared under no risk of sperm competition, according to researchers at The University ...

Long-lived mice are less active

Female mice with a high life expectancy are less active and less explorative. They also eat less than their fellow females with a lower life expectancy. Behavioral biologists from the University of Zurich reveal that there ...

Tiny crooners: Male house mice sing songs to impress the girls

Male house mice produce melodious songs to attract mates. Unfortunately for us, because the melodies are in the ultra-sonic range human ears cannot detect them. Through spectrographic analyses of the vocalizations of wild ...

A selfish gene makes mice into migrants

House mice carrying a specific selfish supergene move from one population to another much more frequently than their peers. This finding from a University of Zurich study shows for the first time that a gene of this type ...

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