Fit to drive? The car will judge

When you're sleepy, stressed or have had a few drinks, you're not in the best position to drive – or even make that decision. But automated cars could soon make that call for you.

New study shows animals may get used to drones

A new study in Conservation Physiology shows that over time, bears get used to drones. Previous work indicated that animals behave fearfully or show a stress response near drone flights. Using heart monitors to gauge stress, ...

VitalTag to give vital information in mass casualty incidents

When mass casualty incidents occur—shootings, earthquakes, multiple car pile ups—first responders can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer number of victims. When every second counts, monitoring all the victims in a chaotic ...

A calmer horse is just a sniff away

How many ways can you think of to stress out a horse? Trailering, bathing, clipping, vet visits, hoof trims, bridling, saddling—the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, calming options are not. Thanks to research conducted ...

What is it about yawning?

You know the feeling. It's impossible to resist. You just need to yawn.

Caterpillar 'road rage' could affect migration

Monarch butterfly caterpillars living next to roads may be stressed by the sound of passing cars and trucks, according to a new study from the University of Georgia.

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