Related topics: health insurance · health care

Health insurance a dream for many single moms working part time

( —Single mothers in the U.S. went without health insurance coverage for an average of more than nine months during the country's most recent economic recession, and mothers who were underemployed went without ...

Measures of income should include health insurance, study finds

The value of health insurance should be included in official measures of U.S. income and poverty, because it will help us to better evaluate public policies like Obamacare, according to a new study by a Cornell economist ...

British paper turns readers into newshounds

A British newspaper has thrown open its office doors, let the readers stride in, and invited them to peer over reporters' shoulders -- digitally, at least.

NY town enacts tough cell tower limits

(AP) -- A Long Island township has imposed restrictions on the placement of new cell towers that are among the toughest in the country, and one phone company says it effectively bans new construction.

Flint: US city of blight, flight and poisoned water

Agence France-Presse has launched a weekly series of reporters' blogs taking readers behind the scenes of the 2016 US election for a look at the events and attitudes shaping the White House race.

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