Solving the efficiency of Gram-negative bacteria

Superbugs, also known as Gram-negative bacteria, are causing a global health crisis. Each year in the United States, at least two million people contract an antibiotic-resistant infection, according to the Centers for Disease ...

Why hospital architects need to talk to nurses

Many of us pay close attention to how our taxes are spent, and how well governments invest in infrastructure projects such as roads, schools and hospitals. Value for money is key. Yet horror stories of waste, lateness and ...

Night owls have larger social networks than early birds

Using anonymous mobile phone data, Aalto University doctoral researcher Talayeh Aledavood has tapped into patterns in people's behaviour. She has found out that individual 'chronotypes,' the inherent periods of sleep during ...

AI-based smartphone application can predict user's health risks

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed artificial intelligence (AI)-based data analysis methods used in a smartphone application of Odum Ltd. The application can estimate its users' health risks and, if necessary, ...

These dinosaurs lost their teeth as they grew up

By comparing the fossilized remains of 13 ceratosaurian theropod dinosaurs known as Limusaurus inextricabilis collected from the Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of northwestern China, researchers have been able to reconstruct ...

The robots are coming – and they are here to help

As Europe's population ages, the number of people requiring rehabilitation following neurological diseases such as stroke is expected to rise. Specialist care from physiotherapists and occupational therapists offers a chance ...

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