Asking a machine to spot threats human eyes miss

The surveillance cameras at Big Y, a Massachusetts grocery chain, are not just passively recording customers and staff. They're studying checkout lines for signs of "sweethearting."

How has COVID-19 impacted supply chains around the world?

Acute shortages of supplies to safely diagnose and treat patients with COVID-19 has crippled the United States' response to the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the importance of widespread and comprehensive testing for COVID-19, ...

COVID-19 highlights the importance of agility for supply chains

The recent COVID-19 crisis has highlighted a fundamental concept in business operations strategy that's called "Triple-A Supply Chains." The idea is about 15 years old, and many people outside of the supply chain world are ...

Panicked consumers seek control amid the crisis

Empty shelves once filled with rolls and rolls of toilet paper. It is one of the more enduring—and strange—images of the COVID-19 crisis in Canada.

When the coronavirus gets tough, the tough get stockpiling

As the fear of the coronavirus spreads, consumers have been flocking to stores to stockpile emergency supplies, resulting in empty shelves as retailers can't keep up with demand. This situation will likely intensify.

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