Internet age navigation drives economies

Fresh from unveiling detailed online maps of North Korea, Google on Wednesday touted studies showing that Internet Age navigation tools boost the economic engines of nations.

ESA: 2013 to be bumper year for space science

European probes this year will return a treasure trove of data from explorations into the Big Bang, water on Mars and climate change, European Space Agency (ESA) chief Jean-Jacques Dordain said on Thursday.

Florida Tech researchers diagnose coral disease

Marine diseases are killing coral populations all over the world, threatening the livelihoods of millions of people who depend on reefs for food and protection from storms. Are these diseases new and unprecedented infections, ...

Apple enlists TomTom as Siri heads for cars

In-car navigation firm TomTom on Tuesday said it has inked a deal to provide map information to Apple, which a day earlier introduced its own mapping service for iPhones and iPads.

Poland out of step with Europe on climate

(AP) -- Frustrations with Poland are growing in the European Union after the coal-powered nation for a second time blocked the EU's long-term plans for cutting carbon emissions.

Global permafrost zones in high-resolution images on Google Earth

Thawing permafrost will have far-reaching ramifications for populated areas, infrastructure and ecosystems. A geographer from the University of Zurich reveals where it is important to confront the issue based on new permafrost ...

Super high-resolution carbon estimates for endangered Madagascar

By combining airborne laser technology, satellite mapping, and ground-based plot surveys, a team of researchers has produced the first large-scale, high-resolution estimates of carbon stocks in remote and fragile Madagascar. ...

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