The inevitable rise of China - hype or reality?

A cover article in the latest edition of Foreign Affairs by the University of Sydney's Dr. Salvatore Babones outlines why predictions by economists that China will continue to experience rapid growth throughout the coming ...

Ankle bracelet will be Strauss-Kahn companion

As former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn settles into house arrest awaiting trial on sexual assault charges his constant companion will be a GPS-equipped ankle bracelet tracking his every move.

World falling dangerously short of climate goals: UN

A world facing catastrophic climate change is perilously off course in meeting goals for slashing carbon pollution and boosting finance for the developing world, according to the UN's first official progress report out Friday.

Researcher says now is the time to prioritize endangered species

Human impact on Earth is becoming indelible and as a result humans, like no other species, have an obligation to take care of the planet and all of those who inhabit it. One case in point is the human effort to save endangered ...

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