UNL discovery has implications for finding life on Earth, Mars

(Phys.org) -- Moqui marbles, unusual balls of rock that can be found rolling around the southwestern U.S. sandstone regions, were formed roughly 2 million years ago with the help of microorganisms. This discovery by a University ...

More Proof of Outer Membrane Cytochrome Role in Electron Transfer

(PhysOrg.com) -- Another step toward improving understanding of electron exchange between microbes and minerals has been documented in the January 2010 issue of Geobiology. Bacteria such as the metal-reducing Shewanella oneidensis ...

'Underground Galapagos' excites scientists

Diverse underground ecosystems buried deep beneath the Earth's crust may offer clues to the origins of life on Earth, several recent studies have revealed.

Microbiologists can now measure extremely slow life

Microbiologists at Aarhus University (Denmark) have developed a new method for measuring the very slow metabolism of bacteria deep down in the seabed. The results can provide knowledge about the global carbon cycle and its ...

Energy from Earth's interior supports life in global ecosystem

The Earth's oceanic crust covers an enormous expanse, and is mostly buried beneath a thick layer of mud that cuts it off from the surface world. Scientists now document life deep within the oceanic crust that appears to be ...

LSU gets to the bottom of things -- in Antarctica

Antarctica has long held secrets of the earth's history locked in its icy depths, and until recently, there has been very little information on the environments that have been sealed beneath miles of ice for millions of years. ...