EPA proposes expanded use of new herbicide, Enlist Duo

The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed more than doubling the number of states allowed to use a new version of a popular weed killer on genetically modified crops despite its earlier concerns.

EU delays weedkiller decision amid cancer uproar

The EU postponed a decision Tuesday on whether to extend the approval of a key weedkiller ingredient for another 15 years amid an international uproar that it may cause cancer.

Eliminating GMOs would take toll on environment, economies

Higher food prices, a significant boost in greenhouse gas emissions due to land use change and major loss of forest and pasture land would be some results if genetically modified organisms in the United States were banned, ...

GM crops can benefit organic farmers too

Have you eaten organic food today? If you have eaten anything, then technically you've eaten organic. By definition, all food is organic, it just may not have been grown under industry standards, such as Australian Certified ...

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