Obama to hold Twitter town hall meeting

US President Barack Obama will hold a "Twitter town hall" meeting next week at the White House on jobs and the economy as he hones his message on the key 2012 election issue.

Columbia prof says Prop 8 adds to gay health woes

(AP) -- A Columbia University social scientist says California's voter-enacted ban on same-sex marriages contributed to the social stigma that makes gay men and lesbians more susceptible to depression, suicide and substance ...

Study shows gay couples want legal rights, regardless of marriage

New research from North Carolina State University shows that gay and lesbian couples are forming long-term, committed relationships, even in the absence of the right to marry. However, couples surveyed for the study overwhelmingly ...

Why some people oppose same-sex marriage

Why do opponents of same-sex marriage really oppose it? A UCLA psychology study published online today in the journal Psychological Science concludes that many people believe gay men and women are more sexually promiscuous ...

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