Related topics: iphone

PC sales declined—again—in first quarter

Weak demand for desktop computers caused PC sales to plunge again in the first quarter of this year, reflecting the industry's ongoing struggles with the shift to smartphones, tablets and other mobile gadgets.

This holiday season, the tablet goes mainstream

'Tis the season of the tablet. Despite the gloomy economy, shoppers are expected to shell out for tablet computers this December, making them about as popular as candy canes and twinkling lights.

Small businesses see mobile payments as chance to lower costs

Urban Bean manager Liz Abene started hunting for a new way to process card payments after the coffee shop's transaction fees skyrocketed. It was costing $60 a month, she said, just to have the credit card equipment on the ...

Global PC sales flat as consumers eye new gadgets

Worldwide sales of personal computers fell 0.1 percent in the second quarter of the year as consumers turned their attention to newer gadgets like tablets, a survey showed Wednesday.

Gartner cuts 2011 global PC growth forecast

Technology research company Gartner lowered its forecast Wednesday for worldwide personal computer growth amid a sharp drop in sales of mini-notebooks and rising interest in tablets such as Apple's iPad.

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