Research links IQ and betting on horse racing

The higher a man's IQ, the more likely he is to bet on horse racing, according to new research from academics at the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Liverpool.

Lawmakers push to regulate, tax online gambling

(AP) -- Prohibition didn't work with alcohol and it's not working with Internet gambling now, say lawmakers pushing Congress to approve long-shot legislation that would legalize and tax online wagering.

Some tribes seek federal rules on Internet gaming

(AP) — Some Native American tribal leaders are calling on the federal government to regulate online gambling as it did with brick-and-mortar gambling to ensure they are not kept from launching their own games.

Not knowing when to fold 'em

( -- Parolees with a gambling habit may resort to criminal activities and substance abuse when they are released from prison if there are few community supports to help them re-integrate, a new University of Alberta ...

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