Galapagos iguanas transferred due to overpopulation

Six land iguanas, endemic to the Galapagos Islands, have been relocated within the Pacific archipelago due to food shortages and overpopulation on the islet where they lived, Ecuador's Galapagos National Park said Tuesday.

Tonnes of garbage cleaned up from Galapagos coast

Officials at Ecuador's Galapagos National Park say they have collected 22 tonnes of garbage since January off the coasts of the pristine archipelago, some of it from as far away as Asia.

Galapagos fights temptation of lucrative mass tourism

With its iconic giant tortoises, crested black iguanas, huge ocean manta rays and a veritable menagerie of other cool creatures, the Galapagos Islands are one of the most beautiful places you will probably never visit.

Galapagos expedition reveals unknown seamounts, new species

The Galápagos Islands have long offered researchers a natural laboratory in which to study unique volcanic features and a diverse population of native plants and animals. Although the creatures and islands have been well ...

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