A step towards quantum gravity

In Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity arises when a massive object distorts the fabric of spacetime the way a ball sinks into a piece of stretched cloth. Solving Einstein's equations by using quantities that ...

Examining safe havens for cooperation

Why do individuals from single cells to humans cooperate with each other and how do they form well-functioning networks? A research team led by Prof. Dr. Thilo Gross from the University of Oldenburg has come a step closer ...

Understanding room-temperature superconductivity

Room-temperature superconductors could transform everything from electrical grids to particle accelerators to computers, but researchers are still trying to understand how these materials function on the atomic level.

Laser bursts drive fastest-ever logic gates

A long-standing quest for science and technology has been to develop electronics and information processing that operate near the fastest timescales allowed by the laws of nature.

Exploring quantum gravity and entanglement using pendulums

When it comes to a marriage with quantum theory, gravity is the lone holdout among the four fundamental forces in nature. The three others—the electromagnetic force, the weak force, which is responsible for radioactive ...

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