Epic journey through Los Angeles set for space shuttle tank

ET is coming home. ET-94, a massive external fuel tank built for the space shuttle program but never used in flight, will finally take an epic journey—not in space, but through the Panama Canal and eventually along the ...

NASA postpones Discovery launch to mid-December

NASA on Wednesday postponed until mid-December the launch of the space shuttle Discovery on its last trip to the International Space Station after cracks were found in its external fuel tank.

NASA inspects damaged tiles on shuttle

NASA is examining seven heat shield tiles that appear to have been damaged during the shuttle Endeavour's ascent into orbit, but the US space agency said Wednesday there was no cause for concern.

Proba-2 fuel tank refilled from 'solid gas'

Sometimes all it takes is fresh air to get a new lease of life. ESA’s Proba-2 microsatellite is a good example: an influx of nitrogen has replenished its fuel tank, in the process demonstrating a whole new space technology.

Further delay for final Discovery launch

NASA said Thursday it had again postponed the launch of the space shuttle Discovery, already pushed back to February, to an undetermined date to allow more time for repairs.

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