Hackers hit ArcelorMittal's Belgian website

The online piracy group Anonymous hacked into the Belgian website of industrial giant ArcelorMittal on Friday, posting a video to protest the closure of two blast furnaces in Belgium.

Professor's algorithms unlock Van Gogh mysteries

(PhysOrg.com) -- A Cornell electrical engineering professor is helping art historians do a little detective work by using computing algorithms to identify which of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings came from the same original ...

Fraud-proof credit cards possible with quantum physics

Credit card fraud and identify theft are serious problems for consumers and industries. Though corporations and individuals work to improve safeguards, it has become increasingly difficult to protect financial data and personal ...

Gabon to suspend new Megaupload site

Gabon's government said Tuesday it was suspending the website www.me.ga, which Internet tycoon Kim Dotcom had planned to use to launch a new version of his defunct Megaupload file-sharing site.

Taiwan man arrested for cyber love scams

A Taiwanese man has been arrested for allegedly swindling more than 200 million Taiwan dollars (6.25 million US) from 50 women in one of the largest cyber scams in the country, police said.

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In the broadest sense, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and is also a civil law violation. Many hoaxes are fraudulent, although those not made for personal gain are not technically frauds. Defrauding people of money is presumably the most common type of fraud, but there have also been many fraudulent "discoveries" in art, archaeology, and science.

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