Related topics: food

Satellite images of plants' fluorescence can predict crop yields

Cornell researchers and collaborators have developed a new framework that allows scientists to predict crop yield without the need for enormous amounts of high-quality data—which is often scarce in developing countries, ...

What is gene editing and how could it shape our future?

It is the most exciting time in genetics since the discovery of DNA in 1953. This is mainly due to scientific breakthroughs including the ability to change DNA through a process called gene editing.

Cutting 'food miles' doesn't necessarily pay

As food suppliers attempt to meet the growing demand for local products, a new study finds it's not always economically or environmentally viable for multi-product industries to focus heavily on local sales.

Progressive climate policy can reduce extreme poverty: study

Ambitious climate policies could reduce extreme poverty in developing countries if governments opted for robust taxes on emitters that were then fairly distributed to help the poor, new research showed Tuesday.

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