Flags still standing at several Apollo landing sites on the moon

Mark Robinson, Principal Investigator of the Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter Camera (LROC) says the most often-asked questions he gets about the images LRO has taken of the Moon are about pictures of the Apollo landing sites ...

Here's a fact: We went to the moon in 1969

Fifty years after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon, some people insist it never happened and was all a big hoax by the U.S. government.

Professor helps develop system that warns of stock crashes

When Barracuda Network's stock price tumbled almost 35 percent in one day last September, a new system developed by Berkeley-Haas researchers had already flagged the signs that led to the fall.

NASA image: Curiosity's stars and stripes

This view of the American flag medallion on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity was taken by the rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) during the 44th Martian day, or sol, of Curiosity's work on Mars (Sept. 19, 2012). The flag is ...

Exposure to U.S. flag moves voters to the right

(PhysOrg.com) -- Expect even more flags at Republican campaign events. And if the Democrats were wise, they might well strip the stage of flags altogether, suggests a new Cornell study, the first to look at the political ...

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