Frozen in time, cracks reveal earthquake history

( —Northern Chile's Atacama Desert is an earthquake scientist's dream – the hyper-arid plain keeps a visible record of cracks caused by a million year's worth of earthquakes.

Two new salamander species discovered by Colombian researchers

(—A team of young researchers from Colombia have recently published an article in the journal Zootaxa describing two new species of salamander discovered during a project supported by the Conservation Leadership ...

Rare primate's vocal lip-smacks share features of human speech

The vocal lip-smacks that geladas use in friendly encounters have surprising similarities to human speech, according to a study reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on April 8th. The geladas, which live only ...

How flick knife thumbs help Japan's rare fighting frogs

Combat-ready spikes which shoot from fingers sounds like the weaponry of a comic book hero, but a Japanese scientist has found exactly this in a rare breed of frog. The discovery, which is published in the Journal of Zoology, ...

How do spiders hunt 'in unison'?

Within the 50,000 known species of spiders about 20 have developed a permanent social life characterized by a remarkable cooperation. Among these, one or two species hunt "in packs," such as the Anelosimus eximius spiders ...

Fish migrate to safer environments

Research now reveals that fish can migrate to avoid the threat of being eaten. A new study from Lund University in Sweden shows that roach fish leave lakes and move into surrounding streams or wetlands, where they are safer ...

Have thieving rodents saved tropical trees?

Big seeds produced by many tropical trees were probably once ingested and then defecated whole by huge mammals called gomphotheres that dispersed the seeds over large distances. But gomphotheres were probably hunted to extinction ...

Peru surprises with two new amazing species of woodlizards

Two new woodlizard species have been uncovered from poorly explored areas of the Peruvian jungles. The males have beautiful body colouration with a distinctive green pattern before a dark brown and black background. It is ...

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