Spider silk is created by adding spider DNA to microbes

Did you know that female spiders can weave seven different types of silk? And that, by mimicking spiders, humans have learned to make a silken material that is almost as strong as spiderweb?

Pesticides: More toxic than previously thought?

Insecticides that are sprayed in orchards and fields across North America may be more toxic to spiders than scientists previously believed. A McGill research team reached this conclusion after looking at changes in the behaviour ...

We shouldn't fear the big, bad wolf spider

Longtime University of Cincinnati professor George Uetz studies how the environment influences the evolution of behavior through researching animal behavior and ecology. Uetz's research focuses on spiders, in particular wolf ...

Feast or fancy? Black widows shake for love

(Phys.org) —A team of Simon Fraser University biologists has found that male black widow spiders shake their abdomens to produce carefully pitched vibrations that let females know they have "come a-courting" and are not ...

Reversal of the black widow myth

The Black Widow spider gets its name from the popular belief that female spiders eat their male suitors after mating. However, a new study has shown that the tendency to consume a potential mate is also true of some types ...

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