Court orders ban on harmful pesticide, says EPA violated law

A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration endangered public health by keeping a widely used pesticide on the market despite extensive scientific evidence that even tiny levels of exposure can harm ...

Ex-Tesla worker accused of hacking seeks $1M in counterclaim

A former Tesla Inc. employee at the electric car maker's battery plant in Nevada is seeking at least $1 million in defamation damages after it accused him of hacking into computers and stealing confidential information leaked ...

US facing off against AT&T to block merger with Time Warner

The Trump administration is facing off against AT&T to block the telephone giant from absorbing Time Warner, in a case that could shape how consumers get—and how much they pay for—streaming TV and movies.

Arsenic in groundwater? Virginia coal ash case before court

Virginia's largest electric utility asked a federal appeals court Wednesday to overturn a judge's ruling that the company is violating federal law by discharging arsenic through groundwater into surrounding waters from a ...

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