Related topics: facebook · social networking

How much do we really know about privacy on Facebook?

The recent furore about the Facebook Messenger app has unearthed an interesting question: how far are we willing to allow our privacy to be pushed for our social connections? In the case of the Facebook Messenger app, the ...

Busted: 5 Myths about Facebook's messenger app

Facebook's recent effort to force people to adopt its standalone mobile messaging app has privacy-concerned users up in arms. Many of them believe the app is especially invasive.

Secret app raises $25 mn, shifts focus

The fast-growing anonymous mobile app Secret said Monday it had raised $25 million in venture capital and would expand as a social network connecting Facebook friends.

Facebook, Twitter brace for World Cup fever

This year's World Cup will play out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and messaging apps like WhatsApp just as it progresses in stadiums from Sao Paulo to Rio De Janeiro.

Facebook shift steps up privacy for new users

Facebook on Thursday unveiled a change to its privacy policy aimed at limiting the data shared by new users who may be unfamiliar with the huge social network.

Research shows impact of Facebook unfriending

Two studies from the University of Colorado Denver are shedding new light on the most common type of `friend' to be unfriended on Facebook and their emotional responses to it.

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