Beyond Mars, the mini MarCO spacecraft fall silent

Before the pair of briefcase-sized spacecraft known collectively as MarCO launched last year, their success was measured by survival: If they were able to operate in deep space at all, they would be pushing the limits of ...

Scientists shocked as NASA cuts only moon rover

In a move that shocked lunar scientists, NASA has cancelled the only robotic vehicle under development to explore the surface of the Moon, despite President Donald Trump's vow to return people there.

In the eye of the beholder

Astrobiologists are developing 'intelligent' instruments that could help future robotic explorers make their own decisions about where and how to collect data. Although focused on Mars exploration for the time being, the ...

Martian box of delights

( —This spherical container has been engineered to house the most scientifically valuable cargo imaginable: samples brought back from the Red Planet.

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