Review: A solar home isn't for everyone

As someone who considers himself an environmentalist, I'd love to get a solar array for my home. But I'm finding that it may not make a lot of sense - at least right now. My wife and I drive fairly fuel-efficient cars. Our ...

Google to make home entertainment system: report

Google will mirror Apple's winning hardware-software formula with an Android-powered entertainment system that wirelessly streams content through homes, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

Microsoft works to save face after Xbox backlash

When it comes to hyping next-generation hardware, the video game industry doesn't typically opt for simplicity. However, during a presentation at the GameStop Expo in Las Vegas to promote the upcoming Xbox One console last ...

Digital Entertainer brings PC content to big screen

So there you are with all those videos, photos and MP3 music files, and the only place you can play all that digital entertainment is on your computer. It's probably sequestered away somewhere in the room you've designated ...

Intel's mysterious TV device sparks industry chatter

Buzz is building over Intel's secretive TV set-top box due out later this year, which the chipmaker claims will provide live and other content via the Internet, is easy to use, and boasts face-recognition technology so it ...

Unauthorized access hits Sony PlayStation accounts

Sony said Wednesday intruders staged a massive attempt to access user accounts on its PlayStation Network and other online entertainment services in the second major attack on its flagship gaming site this year.

Intel readying to take on Kinect with 3D depth cameras

( —Anil Nanduri, director of perceptual products and solutions at Intel has revealed to IDG News that the company is hard at work developing camera systems that will not only replicate what users have come to expect ...

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