Women benefit from working in woman-dominated teams, study shows

For years, educators, policymakers and institutional leaders have sounded an alarm about the fact that fewer girls and women enter science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields than their male peers, and ...

Couch gets robotic makeover

(Phys.org) —It's an innovation that adds a whole new dimension to the term "couch surfing". A team of UNSW engineering students has created a robotic couch that can move in any direction and be controlled using an Xbox ...

Device eliminates 93 percent of lawnmower pollutant

A team of University of California, Riverside Bourns College of Engineering students have won an EPA student design contest for a device they created that curbs harmful pollutant emitted from lawnmowers by 93 percent.

Robot scouts rooms people can't enter

(Phys.org) —Firefighters, police officers and military personnel are often required to enter rooms with little information about what dangers might lie behind the door. A group of engineering students at Arizona State University ...

Students take clot-buster for a spin

(Phys.org) —In the hands of some Rice University senior engineering students, a fishing rod is more than what it seems. For them, it's a way to help destroy blood clots that threaten lives.

Eyeglasses read to the blind (w/ Video)

(Phys.org) —A unique pair of eyeglasses developed by an FIU student team could revolutionize the lives of the blind, enabling them to walk into a library or a store, pick up any book or a can of soup, and read it.

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