In response to Stephen Colbert, professor says 'spice it up'

To provoke more interest and excitement for students and lecturers alike, a professor from Florida Atlantic University's College of Engineering and Computer Science is spicing up the study of complex differential mathematical ...

K-12 education should include engineering

The introduction of K-12 engineering education has the potential to improve student learning and achievement in science and mathematics, increase awareness about what engineers do and of engineering as a potential career, ...

UWM study explores why women leave engineering careers

While only one in 10 male engineers leave their field by the time they reach their 30s, about one in four women are not working in engineering despite having completed the necessary education.

NASA interns start work on future CubeSat mission

This summer, a group of interns at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., hoped to make their impact on the center last more than their 10-week term.

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