Snow research fills gap in understanding Arctic climate

Comprehensive data from several seasons of field research in the Alaskan Arctic will address uncertainties in Earth-system and climate-change models about snow cover across the region and its impacts on water and the environment.

Blurring the boundary between Floquet matter and metamaterials

Metamaterials—artificial media with tailored subwavelength structures—have now encompassed a broad range of novel properties that are unavailable in nature. This field of research has stretched across different wave platforms, ...

Striking the right balance between wind energy and biodiversity

EPFL researchers have developed a simulator that can calculate the performance of wind farms over 30 years while also factoring in the need to preserve local biodiversity. Tested at a site in the Carpathian Mountains in Romania, ...

Maths—why many great discoveries would be impossible without it

Despite the fact that mathematics is often described as the underpinning science, it is often not given enough credit when scientific discoveries are presented. But the contribution of mathematics and statistics is essential ...

Better batteries to break dependence on fossil fuels

By 2050 world population is projected to reach 10 billion people, and energy needs will double from what we require today. "We are nowhere near ready," said Héctor D. Abruña at a Charter Day Weekend lecture, "Cornell and ...

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