Your Next Computer May Know How You Feel

( -- Friends, loved ones and pets can sense your mood almost instantly - and one day your computer may be able to do so pretty quickly as well.

Emotion-reading tech fails the racial bias test

Facial recognition technology has progressed to point where it now interprets emotions in facial expressions. This type of analysis is increasingly used in daily life. For example, companies can use facial recognition software ...

CAPTCHA evokes sympathetic (aka correct) response

(—CAPTCHAs by definition (stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) are gotcha tools that are used to spot automated-attack attempts posing as people. CAPTCHA programs ...

Researchers teach neural networks to determine crowd emotions

Scholars from the Higher School Of Economics have developed an algorithm that detects emotions in a group of people on a low-quality video. The solution provides a final decision in just one hundredth of a second, which is ...

Mini-camera with maxi-brainpower

Torrential rapids, plunging mud holes and soaring hurdles: in the outdoor competitions at the Olympic Games, athletes pushed themselves to the limit. But it's hard to depict this in pictures alone. This is why researchers ...

Computerized emotion detector

Face recognition software measures various parameters in a mug shot, such as the distance between the person's eyes, the height from lip to top of their nose and various other metrics and then compares it with photos of people ...