Storing information with light

New photo-ferroelectric materials allow storage of information in a non-volatile way using light stimulus. The idea is to create energy efficient memory devices with high performance and versatility to face current challenges. ...

New superconductor research may solve key problem in physics

Binghamton University physicist Michael Lawler and his colleagues have made a breakthrough that could lead to advances in superconductors. Their findings will be published this week in the prestigious British journal Nature.

Measuring Electron Orbitals

( -- For the first time, it has been possible to measure electron density in individual molecular states using what is known as the photoelectric effect. Now published in Science, this method represents a key ...

Foundations of carbon-based life leave little room for error

Life as we know it is based upon the elements of carbon and oxygen. Now a team of physicists, including one from North Carolina State University, is looking at the conditions necessary to the formation of those two elements ...

Crystal quantum memories for quantum communication

Research into the strange phenomenon known as quantum entanglement - once described as 'spooky' by Albert Einstein - could revolutionise ICT over the coming years, enabling everything from ultra-fast computing to completely ...

Electron spectroscopy: Not just snapshots, real movies

( —Physicists based at LMU Munich and the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics have developed a laser configuration that allows them to "film" the motions of electrons.

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