Ecology and artificial intelligence: Stronger together

Many of today's artificial intelligence systems loosely mimic the human brain. In a paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers suggest that another branch of biology—ecology—could ...

Ecological 'doom loops' edging closer, study warns

Extreme weather events such as wildfires and droughts will accelerate change in stressed systems leading to quicker tipping points of ecological decline, according to a new study.

Cities can benefit from complex supply chains, researchers find

During the early days of the pandemic, consumers faced shortages and abrupt price increases on common goods ranging from toilet paper and coffee to bicycles and lumber. While the complexity of supply chains may contribute ...

A persistent influence of supernovae on biodiversity

The number of exploding stars (supernovae) has significantly influenced marine life's biodiversity during the last 500 million years. This is the essence of a new study published in Ecology and Evolution by Henrik Svensmark, ...

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