Ancient seal may add substance to the legend of Samson

Tel Aviv University researchers recently uncovered a seal, measuring 15 millimetres (about a half-inch) in diameter, which depicts a human figure next to a lion at the archaeological site of Beth Shemesh, located between ...

Neolithic man: The first lumberjack?

During the Neolithic Age (approximately 10000 BCE), early man evolved from hunter-gatherer to farmer and agriculturalist, living in larger, permanent settlements with a variety of domesticated animals and plant life. This ...

Was a 'mistress of the lionesses' a king in ancient Canaan?

The legend is that the great rulers of Canaan, the ancient land of Israel, were all men. But a recent dig by Tel Aviv University archaeologists at Tel Beth-Shemesh uncovered possible evidence of a mysterious female ruler.

Dictatorships advancing globally

Seventy percent of the world's population now live in dictatorships, according to this year's report on democracy from the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Institute at the University of Gothenburg.

Rich-poor gap and the risk of civil war

Researchers from the University of Tübingen have found that the greater the disparity in wealth, the greater the risk of civil war. "If unequal division passes a certain level, the effects within a region are enormous," ...