Training computers to see metaphors

Suppose you are at an intelligence agency and your computer is faced with terabytes of text every day -- documents, emails, transcriptions of voice conversations and more -- and many contain metaphors. How do you train your ...

Innovation promises expanded roles for microsensors

Researchers have learned how to improve the performance of sensors that use tiny vibrating microcantilevers to detect chemical and biological agents for applications from national security to food processing.

Jackson Pollock, artist and physicist?

At a glance, a painting by Jackson Pollock (1912 - 1956) can look deceptively accidental: just a quick flick of color on a canvas.

Flying snakes, caught on tape (w/ Video)

( -- New video analysis and mathematical modeling by engineers at Virginia Tech reveals how certain types of snakes can "fly" by flinging themselves off their perches, flattening their bodies, and sailing from ...

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