Research team develops new CRISPR diagnostic test

The simplicity of urine sampling has been combined with the excellent sensing abilities of CRISPR to improve diagnostic testing for kidney transplant patients, an international research team reports in the journal Nature ...

Acacia bushlands prevent climate warming in Eastern Africa

Changes to the vegetation cover of land surfaces constitutes the biggest cause of increasing carbon dioxide emissions after the use of fossil fuels. Particularly in Africa, forests and bushland are continuously cleared for ...

Hazardous waste or edible food?

More drive and novel and creative solutions are needed in retailing to tackle bread waste. Lotta Alhonnoro, who will defend her doctoral dissertation at the University of Vaasa on Friday, 28 February, encourages grocery stores ...

Global database for Karst spring discharges

When carbonate rocks weather, karst landscapes are formed. The groundwater reserves in these layers of earth currently supply 10 to 20 percent of the world population with drinking water. So far, however, researchers have ...

Once cyber grooming starts, the first five days are critical

Cybercriminal phenomena seem to have caught society and authorities unprepared and off guard. As a quick response to explain the phenomena, research has tried to transfer existing theories and solutions about crime and deviant ...

From Antarctica to space: Telemedicine at the limit

ESA is working with Argentina to test telemedicine device Tempus Pro in the harsh conditions of Antarctica as Europe prepares for its next phase of human exploration in space.

More attention to idioms helps second-language learners

Idiomatic expressions like "kick the bucket" or "send someone packing" constitute a special element of a language, and one that is difficult to learn. This is because the meanings of these idioms cannot be derived directly ...

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