iPhone 5 not just a phone; it's a stimulus too

Apple's iPhone 5 is one of the biggest product launches ever in the sector, and may also deliver a well-timed stimulus to the US economy ahead of the presidential election, analysts say.

Researchers study psychology of compulsive online shopping

Research has investigated compulsive online shopping behavior in India, with a specific focus aimed at unzipping the triggers and antecedents related to the purchase of jeans. The research is published in the International ...

US graduates brace for return of student loan repayments

After a three-and-a-half year pandemic-era pause, US federal student loans start accumulating interest again from Friday, with repayments set to cut the monthly take-home pay of millions of Americans by hundreds, and in some ...

Data-driven study digs into the state of U.S. farm livelihoods

U.S. agricultural systems are world leaders in the production of food, fuel and fiber. This high level of production enables U.S. consumers to spend an average of only 8.6 percent of their disposable income on food, a percentage ...

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