Leaks delay final launch of space shuttle Discovery

The launch of the space shuttle Discovery on its final scheduled mission has been delayed by at least 24 hours until Tuesday because of a leak in a pressurization system, NASA said.

NASA to add legs to giant robonaut aboard the ISS

(Phys.org) —NASA has announced its intention to add legs to the Robonaut 2 (R2) robot currently aboard the International Space Station (ISS), sometime next year. The move is part of a 50 year project (currently in year ...

US astronaut says legalize undocumented Mexicans

(AP) -- Spaceman Jose Hernandez said Monday the United States needs to legalize its undocumented immigrants - a rare, public stand for a U.S. astronaut on a political, hot-button issue.

Discovery Docks to International Space Station

(PhysOrg.com) -- At 5:19:53: p.m. EDT, space shuttle Discovery docked to the Pressurized Mating Adaptor on the front of the International Space Station's Harmony module.

Growing knowledge in space

Plants are critical in supporting life on Earth, and with help from an experiment that flew onboard space shuttle Discovery's STS-131 mission, they also could transform living in space.

Japan astronaut solves bubble puzzle

Of all the experiments Japanese astronaut Naoko Yamazaki has carried out in space -- making sushi in a kimono and playing a harp -- blowing soap bubbles has arguably brought the biggest breakthrough.

Space-raised flies show weakened immunity to fungus

Venturing into space might be a bold adventure, but it may not be good for your immune system. Now a study by researchers at the University of California, Davis and published Jan. 24 in the journal PLOS ONE shows how growing ...

NASA to announce museums for retiring space shuttles

The US space agency said it will announce the museums that will host the three retiring space shuttles on Tuesday during an event to mark the 30th anniversary of the first shuttle launch.

NASA Gives 'Go' for Space Shuttle Launch on March 11

(PhysOrg.com) -- NASA managers completed a review Friday of space shuttle Discovery's readiness for flight and selected the official launch date for the STS-119 mission. Commander Lee Archambault and his six crewmates are ...

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