Ancient gene gives planarians a heads-up in regeneration

A seldom-studied gene known as notum plays a key role in the planarian's regeneration decision-making process, according to Whitehead Institute scientists. Protein from this gene determines whether a head or tail will regrow ...

A decision-support tool gives second life to food waste

European scientists, companies and clusters developed a decision-support tool that identifies what residues from food production can be recycled and how. The software supports a decision-making process that is not only based ...

How social networks point the way to your next holiday hotspot

Research in the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising has investigated how online social networks can influence our choice of holiday destination. The team found that about two-thirds of people interviewed ...

Good loser messages support democracy

Citizens sometimes just have to live with political decisions they dislike or think are unfair. But if their preferred party leaders communicate that the decisions have been made properly, the feeling of unfairness can diminish ...

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