Native Guam plant on cover of international journal

Research from the University of Guam (UOG) has been published in this month's issue of the International Journal of Plant Sciences. The research was conducted within the Western Pacific Tropical Research Center (WPTRC) at ...

Cycad leaf physiology research needed

The living cycad species are among the world's most threatened plant groups, but are also among the world's least studied plant groups. The need for a greater understanding of basic physiology of cycads has been discussed ...

Origin and geographic evolution of cycads clarified

Paleobotanist Mario Coiro of the Institute of Paleontology at the University of Vienna and colleagues at the University of Montpellier (France) have made an important breakthrough in understanding the origin and geographic ...

An international effort to understand cycad pollinators

University of Guam researchers continue to expand knowledge of a unique group of plants called cycads. The world's contemporary cycad plants depend on small insects for pollination services. The Guam team's 2017 discovery ...

Cycad pest uses small size to hide from predators

One way to keep from getting eaten is to run. But recent research at the University of Guam's Western Pacific Tropical Research Center shows that sometimes it's better to just hide.

Study finds go-to hormone for cycad propagation ineffective

The newly published thesis research of University of Guam Master of Environmental Science graduate Benjamin Deloso now adds to the body of knowledge about asexual propagation of the most endangered plant group in the world, ...

Cycad plants provide an important 'ecosystem service'

A study published in the June 2020 edition of the peer-reviewed journal Horticulturae shows that cycads, which are in decline and among the world's most threatened group of plants, provide an important service to their neighboring ...

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