Novel insulators with conducting edges

Physicists at the University of Zurich are researching a new class of materials: Higher-order topological insulators. The edges of these crystalline solids conduct electric current without dissipation, while the rest of the ...

Long-lived soundwaves in crystalline solids

A new study published in Nature Physics describes how a team of scientists used a laser beam to gain access to long-lived soundwaves in crystalline solids as the basis for a potentially new approach to information processing ...

The little-known science that improved everything around us

UNESCO has declared 2014 as the International Year of Crystallography. But why? Quite simply because the science of crystallography has revolutionised how we live – and yet few people know about it.

A path to better multivariate metal organic frameworks

( —Scientists would like to apply the same principles by which baking soda removes food odors from refrigerators or silica powder keeps moisture away from electronic devices to scrub carbon dioxide from the exhaust ...

New experiment opens window on glasses

( —For the first time, scientists have mapped the structure of a metallic glass on the atomic scale, bringing them closer to understanding where the liquid ends and the solid begins in glassy materials.

The surprising ooze factor of glass

( —Reach for a tall glass of iced tea. Don't drink. Look at the glass instead. The glass is an amorphous solid, consisting of molecules jumbled in disarray. It's the complete opposite of the ice in your drink. ...

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