Scientists snare 'superprawn' off New Zealand

Scientists have captured a "supergiant" crustacean in waters seven kilometres (4.5 miles) deep off New Zealand, measuring 10 times the normal size of related species.

Hundreds of threatened species not on official US list

Many of the animal species at risk of extinction in the United States have not made it onto the country's official Endangered Species Act (ESA) list, according to new research from the University of Adelaide.

Glaciers make way for new stream habitat in Alaska

( -- Researchers from the University of Birmingham and other UK universities describe the evolution and assembly of a stream ecosystem in South East Alaska in new de-glaciated terrain, from early insect and crustacean ...

Krill found to have hidden depths

Antarctic krill regularly feed on the seabed, scientists have found. Until now the tiny crustaceans were thought to live mainly near the ocean surface.

For some crustaceans in polluted waters, it could be worse

( -- Imagine that you’re a grass shrimp. Now, imagine that you’re a rational grass shrimp, and that you have a choice of living in an environment with relatively high levels of dioxin, poly-chlorinated ...

Ocean acidification leaves clownfish deaf to predators

( -- Since the Industrial Revolution, over half of all the CO2 produced by burning fossil fuels has been absorbed by the ocean, making pH drop faster than any time in the last 650,000 years and resulting in ocean ...

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