Canada to prosecute crimes on the moon

Canadian lawmakers on Thursday passed an amendment to the nation's Criminal Code to allow for the prosecution of crimes committed on the moon.

BA fined £183m over computer theft of passenger data

The UK's data privacy watchdog has fined British Airways more than £183 million after computer hackers last year stole bank details from hundreds of thousands of passengers, the pair said on Monday.

In the web's hidden darknet, criminal enterprise is thriving

Criminals have always done their best to use new technology to their advantage and the rapid development of new digital technologies and online markets has provided the criminal entrepreneur with as much opportunity for innovation ...

Sagar sees Constitution at work in AP phone records seizure

The Justice Department's controversial seizure of Associated Press phone records highlights a messy but effective constitutional balancing act that ultimately benefits the country, said Rahul Sagar, an assistant professor ...

Hackers claim 12 million Apple IDs from FBI (Update 2)

A hacker group has claimed to have obtained personal data from 12 million Apple iPhone and iPad users by breaching an FBI computer, raising concerns about government tracking, but the FBI said it never had the data.

Sun Micro: We may have broken US anti-bribery law

(AP) -- Sun Microsystems Inc. may have broken anti-bribery laws with its actions in an unspecified location outside the United States, a revelation that would-be acquirer Oracle Corp. knew about before inking its $7.4 billion ...

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