Sounding the alarm on microplastic pollution

There are four basic ingredients in beer: grain, hops, yeast and water. The water often introduces a fifth, which passes unfiltered into a typical pilsner.

Microplastic pollution hits the headlines

Over the last few weeks we have seen an upswing in the coverage of microplastic pollution in the media, bringing this important issue to the fore.

New methods to trace fragrance allergens

A recent doctoral thesis from the University of Gothenburg presents new methods to trace allergenic fragrance compounds in consumer products, such as perfumes.

Carbon nanotube composites for enzymes and cosmetics

Japanese researchers have developed a low cost and efficient method for producing electrically conducting composites based on electrostatic adsorption of CNTs onto resin and ceramic particles for applications including enzymes ...

New woes for silicones in cosmetics and personal care products

At a time when cosmetics, shampoos, skin creams, and other personal care products already are going green — with manufacturers switching to plant-derived extracts and other natural ingredients — government regulators ...

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