Coral reef symbiosis: Paying rent with sugar and fat

Scientists have revealed how coral-dwelling microalgae harvest nutrients from the surrounding seawater and shuttle them out to their coral hosts, sustaining a fragile ecosystem that is under threat.

Study finds two-thirds of Hawaiian reefs are covered with algae

According to a study published today in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society – Biological Sciences, just one-third of the coral reefs ecosystems in Hawai'i are dominated by healthy corals and calcareous algae. ...

Ocean warming affecting Florida reefs

Late-summer water temperatures near the Florida Keys were warmer by nearly 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the last several decades compared to a century earlier, according to a new study by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Wherefore art thou, dear zooplankton?

On a good day, corals make happy homes for photosynthetic algae. It's a cooperative setup, with the algae turning dissolved carbon dioxide into food for the coral and the coral providing a nice roof for the algae.

Ecologists provide close-up of coral bleaching event

New research by University of Georgia ecologists sheds light on exactly what happens to coral during periods of excessively high water temperatures. Their study, published in the journal Limnology and Oceanography, documents ...

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