Scientists develop artificial worm gut to break down plastics

A team of scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has developed an artificial worm gut to break down plastics, offering hope for a nature-inspired method to tackle the global plastic pollution ...

The wetland model of urban sustainability

Writing in the International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, a team from Japan explains that "wetlands play an important role in a sustainable urban future." They add that these environmental regions provide ecological ...

Study explores the health and economic burden of air pollution

Air pollution, a primary environmental risk factor, poses a significant health and financial burden to countries. In China, rapid economic growth has resulted in severely deteriorated air quality and a significant financial ...

Reasons not to hug, snuggle or kiss chicks and chickens

Sometimes it hurts to dispel facts with science, but a Texas A&M AgriLife expert said even though there is a National Snuggle a Chicken Day (celebrated on Jan. 8), he hopes people don't hug and kiss baby chicks and chickens ...

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